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Hello Achievers, 

I know you might be feeling as though you are alone in your challenges and struggles with nobody to really turn to or share them with . . . but you are not. You can share them with me, so do not dismay.  Together, let's unfold your next phase in life, minus the stress. 


Please read a few of my clients' Success Stories regarding how they rekindled their dreams and reclaimed their lives through my Inner Branding Quest, then contact me. 

My Clients Say...

Elizabeth H

("I discovered the key to my emotional freedom.")

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I have studied a lot about mindset from a wide variety of perspectives. Before I started this program with Pat, I still felt there was something holding me back. Eight weeks after beginning this work, I can say that I have become the best version of myself.

Working with Patricia was a joy. Her unique combination of Jamaican wisdom and neuro-scientifically proven techniques made this experience unlike any other. The humor and love with which she engages her clients creates optimal conditions for personal growth. The work of Positive Intelligence opened my mind to continued expansive thought and I discovered the key to my emotional freedom. I adore Pat and give her the highest recommendation.

Love you lots baby cakes!


Elizabeth H (Miami, FL) ~ Life Coach * Writer * Mom * Wife *

Anita M 

("This program helped me in ways I couldn't imagine... in my career and personal relationships.")

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As my coach, Patricia cultivated an environment that allowed me to truly assess myself with peers that were open and willing to analyze how they interact with others and how much of that is based on our/their present situation versus past experiences that cause us to move in a direction that doesn’t align with our present reality.


With Patricia’s guidance, I became aware of my inner-critics (saboteurs), and gained understanding about the saboteurs of those around me. I learned to consistently take the time to calm myself, assess where I am mentally, and ensure that I am bringing my best self forward.


This program helped me in ways that I couldn’t imagine. Bringing awareness to how I react to stress in different situations, how to manage it and recognize it in others helped me in my career and personal relationships. Taking the time to do PQ reps before or during stressful presentations and difficult conversations, allowed me to enter those rooms with a level of awareness and openness that I’d never had before. Patricia listened and guided me with care and knowing. Her insights allowed me and my group to move through our learnings with a mastery that only comes from an experienced instructor. Putting our personal experiences at the forefront, she ensured I was consistently putting my learning into practice daily, encouraging me every step of the way.


I highly recommend this program to those who are ready to truly point the mirror to themselves and make resounding improvements in all aspects of their lives. 


Anita M (Technical Program Manager)

Kesh J

("I was really surprised by the immediate positive results
I experienced.”)

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Before I started the with Pat’s Inner Clarity Program, I felt like there were a few situations where I did not react in the best way possible.  My behavior shocked and scared even me because that was not what a normal person would do.  I do not know how I got to that point, but I know that I did not want to be that person.  I needed to work on finding my sane, calm self again.  


I was really surprised about the immediate positive results I experienced doing the self command exercises.  By just shifting my  attention as directed in the PQ gym exercise I could immediately put the brakes on making an irrational decision.  This has helped me a great deal.

I was also pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to get started and stay on track.  I welcomed and looked forward to the Daily Challenges and mental gym exercises. 


In my interactions with Pat, I felt like I had the support I needed. Her broad knowledge, experience and compassion helped me to see things from a different perspective without making me feel judged.   I really benefitted from the group setting as it helped me to be comfortable knowing that I was not alone with my issues.  I think I was able to learn from everyone in the group.  It was a good experience,


Some of my key take-always from the PQ Program is that I have learned to dismiss the negative first thought.  I try to understand from the other person's point of view and look for the 10% that I agree with.  I try to breathe more deeply and intently to keep calm. 


Since experiencing the 6-week program, my approach to life has changed.  I am now motivated to be better, more understanding, and go with the flow. I have reason to remember that even the worst situation can happen for a good reason.


I would definitely recommend this Program to you.


KESH J Miami, FL ~

Laura L

("Pat's coaching helped me understand & view myself as a 'whole'.") 

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Most of my life, I had trouble relating to others. I often felt misunderstood and unappreciated. I also often felt I was an “odd man out” – viewing life and appreciating morals and emotions very differently from others, in a way others may feel was inferior or weird but I thought was good and true to me. I had a difficulty reconciling these two which often made me defensive, reclusive and/or judgmental of others, especially their feelings toward me, which I usually expected to be ill-intentioned or disingenuous.


Then a friend introduced me to Pat and her Inner Clarity Program.  Quite unexpectedly, the identification of, and insights into, my judge and saboteurs were mind-opening. I always knew something was wrong/ needed to be adjusted about my thinking but I was not sure what or how. Pat’s coaching helped me understand and view myself as a “whole” and more objectively.  It  gave me tools to improve.  


Quite early in the Program I came to know that the Judge was not “me” in the truest sense, and that she was NOT AT ALL helpful, but 100% hurtful.
Pat helped to answer questions and clarify my concerns.  She gently but expertly guided the discussions and facilitated sharing on specific points to meet the each group member’s requirements.
I enjoyed the group setting and found the process helpful because I got to understand other persons’ perceptive and similarities in struggles. I also felt encouraged by the camaraderie. 


Pat helped me to realize how much I had forgotten or buried/hidden about my younger self from myself. I thought life had depleted me, but – to my surprise – I’m still here and worthy of love.
At the end of the 6 weeks I knew:
• That I can re-wire my brain for better outcomes in every aspect of my life, and this will have to be an ongoing process.
• How to identify, intercept and re-route negative emotions and how to (try to) turn any and all of them into positive emotions and experiences.
•  I also woke up to the fact that everyone has their internal struggles of one kind or other – not just me. And that sometimes our judges/saboteurs may be fueling each other in a downward spiral. This does not mean the other person always hated me or looked down on me or faked feelings for me. Visualizing the other person’s younger self and my younger self, helped me to be more empathetic to others and to myself.

My approach to life has changed since doing this program with Pat.  She impressed upon me, and helped me understand that the only person or thing I have control over is myself and my responses.  She coached me into realizing and admitting that I cannot control, hide from, or dictate most things that happen in life, but I can make the best of it in order to have a happy, fulfilled life NOW instead of waiting for when some random society- dictated goal is met sometime in the future.


Thank you Pat.


Laura L (Jamaica) ~ Researcher - Strategy & Organizational Development 

Kathy F

("I've stopped beating myself up.")

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I entered Pat’s Program because I was riddled with self-doubt, both personally and professionally, which resulted in avoidance behavior and continuous questioning (by me) of my competence in a number of areas.

I love that the Program is app-based and once I got the hang of the app, I found myself looking forward to the sessions and willing to carve out time to carry out the tasks.  I enjoyed the challenges and found the various approaches very do-able and not overwhelming, especially since I could go back through them at my own pace. 


When I was new to the program, I struggled to internalize and sustain some of the Sage techniques and to avoid falling back into Saboteur mode.  It took me a while to start identifying difficult situations as possible gifts, and that has been transformative, especially with Pat’s guidance. I’ve stopped beating myself up, and mostly I’m able to embrace a new perspective and tap into my ability to convert difficult situation into gifts. I still catch myself, but I have many aha! Moments.  It’s also helped me to see other people’s perspectives too and see situations in a new light…really liberating!


Though I resisted at first, Pat showed me how to dig deeper and discover that the Saboteurs were not the true me.  This helped me to own up to how I habitually self-sabotaged.  Being consistent with doing the PQ reps helped me to build the mental muscle I need to reduce the number of times I fell back into old habits.  Today, I find myself automatically applying the techniques Pat taught me to situations where before, I was unaware that I was acting a certain way.  


I find that if I really do the work I can conquer the Avoider Saboteur.  I now know that the Judge is a horrible critter and I am able to recognize it as just that.  Definitely committed to getting rid of the Judge mirror!  


Working with Pat reinforced for me that I have control over my responses, and has helped me to find confidence and compassion for myself and stop being so self-critical.  I continue working with Pat through several issues, and she continues to hold up that mirror so I can see when and where to apply the know-how. I feel less overwhelmed as time passes and a whole lot more confident.


Kathy F (Jamaica) ~ Global Project Consultant * Mom *

Perce D

(Pat "helped bring clarity to unresolved problems & toxic patterns.")


I was a burnt-out student coming out of an extremely stressful, and confidence-killing relationship when I started getting coaching sessions with Pat. I had tried therapy for a few years but was not getting any wiser. I was just digging myself deeper into circumstances and relationships that drained me.


The coaching I received from Pat gave me the skills I needed to take control and grow in a positive direction. She helped bring clarity to unresolved problems and toxic patterns that had led to me feeling overwhelmed and confused. With her support and guidance, I built a toolbox of practical ways to overcome and grow towards the person I want to be and the life that I want to live.


The experience was life changing! I have a clearer path I am energized to walk on, with her voice always there to guide me if I get lost.


 Perce D (FL) ~ Ivy League University Student

Fran M

("A healthy daily life plan that made every day less stressful.")


Patricia was a life-saver.  I couldn't manage my life.  I was always spiraling into dead ends until I invested in her services.


Suffering from depression, her coaching brought me relief as I underwent medicinal changes. Our Skype coaching sessions brought me a healthy daily life plan that made every day less stressful.


I highly recommend Patricia as your Life Coach.  I am glad she is mine!


Fran M (GA) ~ Artist * Blogger * Housewife * Mom  

Kimberly J

(Pat "alleviates so much guilt from my conscience.")



I was very reluctant to attend my first appointment. I wasn’t ready to address the things that I had buried, or at least thought I buried. I wasn’t ready to face the things about myself that I had to take responsibility for. I thought it was going to be embarrassing and difficult. It in fact was difficult, but only because you pushed me to speak on subconscious thoughts; thoughts that I didn’t even know I was still storing in my memory. The fact that you were able to help me bring those thoughts out verbally showed that you are truly good at what you do. I was able to face my truths, and once I started to realize them, I became more aware of them each day.


Among the innumerable breakthroughs I gained from your coaching, one of the most important things I’ve taken away from our sessions thus far is that our so-called "bad" decisions were once decisions that we thought were right at the time that we made them. That alleviates so much guilt from my conscience. Also, learning how to and why it's important to congratulate myself and commend myself for doing better has been very helpful; a life-changer.


I’m looking forward to the rest of our sessions and being able to live my life more in control of my own power.             


Kimberly J (NYC) ~ Corporate Executive " Mom

Lesley D

(Pat "gave me a clear and concise program to follow.")


Patricia came into my life at one of its lowest points.  She showed great compassion and understanding with my circumstances.  I commenced life couching with Patricia after completing a comprehensive and enlightening diagnostic survey.  Her approach and methodology to my situation was ideal. Patricia was calm and knowledgeable and offered great insight to my problems and she gave me a clear and concise programme to follow which was very helpful to me. 


I continued sessions with Patricia until I felt I was able to cope on my own.  Patricia has maintained contact occasionally to ensure I am continuing to progress.  She is a delightful and caring person and her services are well worth obtaining.  I would recommend Patricia to help you manage your problems or concerns.


Lesley D (Australia) ~ Retired Corporate Exec * Mom

You could be the next to have your life transformed!

Let me guide you on your journey; you don't have to go alone. 

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