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Training for Your Mind;
Solutions for
Your Body & Soul


Hi, I'm Patricia!

Certified Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Life Coach

(Includes: Self-Mastery * Emotional Agility * Dream Rekindling)

Choosing the right coach or solution is often the difference between experiencing internal harmony instead of dissonance in the major aspects of your life.

While your mind is supposed to be your best friend, often it's your worst enemy. I can help you to train it to serve you instead of hindering you.  How?


I can help you build the new mental habits and patterns that make it easier for you to neutralize your Gnawing Negative Automatic Thoughts (GNATs), and respond to challenges with the calm, clear-headed focus that brings harmony —  especially when you find yourself knee deep in life's most stressful situations.

Your Mind. Your Thoughts.
Your Deeds. Your Life. Your Legacy.

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Your mind should always be your best friend, but it's often negative and acts like your worst enemy. Most attempts at positive change fail because you stop at insight. Insight alone is never enough; it's only the beginning. Lasting emotional and behavioral change requires 20% insight and 80% mental muscles. Together, you and I can build your mental muscles as I share both the insight and the tools that empower you to neutralize your Gnawing Negative Automatic Thoughts (GNATs) the moment they appear. Your self-trust and inner clarity crystalize as you intentionally build and sustain new mental habits anchored in your Positive Automatic Thoughts (PATs).

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When you're mentally fit, you habitually respond to life’s challenges with a more positive mindset (PATs), instead self-doubt and stress. My coaching empowers you to build your mental fitness muscles, whether you come to me as an individual, couple, family, group, business, or team. See some potential personal and professional gains here.

New mental habits (PATs) are formed by laying down new neural pathways that create different behavior patterns through consistent daily practice. Daily practice is your personalized stimulus for decluttering your emotional life, and growing the worry-free mind that accompanies mental fitness.




If you want to make intentional harmonious choices

that reduce the gap between

how you are living right now and how you truly want to live,

it's important to grow your mental fitness,

and it starts with inner clarity -- getting clear on who you are now.

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What you seek is

seeking you!


What if I showed you how all your stress and emotional clutter are not caused by external circumstances, but rather from the way you habitually perceive and process so-called “unpleasant”events?  


What if I showed you that you are stressed only because, without being conscious of it, your Gnawing Negative Automatic Thoughts (GNATs) cause you to negatively judge (condemn) yourself, others and circumstances?


And what if you allowed me to train you in how to stop doing that within 7 weeks?

Imagine, for a moment, just how unburdened you would feel and how delighted you'd be.

I am glad you're reading this because it means you are serious about grounding yourself in Inner Clarity and growing your Mental Fitness.


As your Mental Fitness Life Coach/Trainer, I enable you to use your mindset to activate (hasten) your ideal reality by equipping you with the exact tools and techniques you need to neutralize your patterns of Gnawing Negative Automatic Thoughts (GNATs) by strengthening your inner clarity, self-trust and Positive Automatic Thoughts (PATs).    

When you engage me as your coach/trainer, I coach the “person” within you, not your “title” or “position.”  Be prepared to be challenged; get used to being encouraged and pulled out of your comfort zone when necessary.  That is a part of what it takes for you to attain self command in managing your emotions and responses to daily life challenges. Your social and professional selves will thank you. Get ready to reap the rewards!  


There is no secret to Mental Fitness. You probably already have the intention and vision, but you lack  the "how to" tools to get yourself there.  My role is to help you understand yourself better by gaining inner clarity.  All of us have experienced varying degrees of betrayal, let-down, self-doubt, fear, etc., in different situations in our lives. I take this very seriously because I know from experience what it feels like to feel stuck. I also know how to definitively get unstuck. 

When you move from believing in yourself to knowing yourself through Inner Clarity gained from growing your Mental Fitness, you become more confident in your deeds; your self-trust, and self-esteem, self-efficacy increase beyond measure; your state of wellbeing becomes contagious. When you re-learn how to trust in your Sage (inner Judgment, Ability, Power) your countenance changes, your aura blossoms, and your vibrations heighten and reverberate more strongly. You are kinder and calmer; you feel content and at ease.  

That’s Positive Intelligence.  

That's Mental Fitness. That's Self Command.

There’s a BIG bonus in improving every aspect of yourself. Since you bring yourself with you wherever you go and into all your individual interactions, you improve your overall presence, influence, and performance, socially and professionally. (This is why I coach the "person" not their "title.")  You will strengthen your self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-confidence -- and know exactly what each means. You will also notice that you have a more positive and uplifting effect on people in your spheres of influence. Yaaaay! 


You are ready! You are one step closer to restoring the person you really want to be. Let’s connect for a private, relaxed exploratory conversation. 




It's all in your head,

heart & attitude



Emotional Challenges?

Please permit me to support you as you steer through your emotional challenges, and pinpoint healthier ways to live and stop merely coping. Perhaps you’ve been operating in survival mode for some time; let’s work on shifting you into  

a worry-free thriving mode instead.

  • Do you (privately) feel burnt-out, overwhelmed, stuck, derailed, or close to it, and want to stop?

  • Do you feel hindered by indecision, guilt, anger, anxiety, sadness, or shame?

  • Is fear holding you back from doing something new and you are ready to change that?

  • Are you ready to stop struggling with self-doubt?

  • Are you struggling to release past hurt, or find yourself stuck repeating the same unhealthy behaviors and patterns?

  • Have you over-sacrificed and worry you might not have much more to give?

  • Are you married yet you often feel lonely, ignored, or undervalued?

  • Have you been called an interloper (meddler) and want to change that perception?

  • Do you keep choosing the wrong partner, but you don't understand why or how to break that unhealthy pattern?

  • Are you single and privately feel lonely or ashamed?


Profesional Challenges?

Let’s meet to clarify what experiences you want your life to embody, then design it. Let’s reframe your goals to prevent them morphing into obstacles to achievement. Let’s reframe them as stepping stones to your full life and the most content YOU. Sometimes, life can be unsettled or hectic and we’re often forced to defer or deprioritize our wellness, dreams, and aspirations indefinitely. I invite you to explore, unpack, reassess, process and

hold yourself accountable to unfold

the life you really desire and deserve.

  • Do you already experience success but you are either too stressed to enjoy it because you struggle with mindset or life-work balance issues?

  • Do you set personal & professional goals, but lack the motivation, clarity, and insight on how to arrive there stress-free? 

  • Are you fully qualified but secretly fear you are not enough? Do you want to change that?

  • Do you have a vision for your life or your team, but don't know how to get there?

  • Do you want to advance in your professional life and yet you feel stuck?

  • Are you able to achieve your goals, but you engage in self-sabotage? Do you want a change?

  • Do you feel pressured or unhappy at work, but you're afraid to leave?

  • Do you want to start your own business but there is a nagging voice telling you that you can't?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you could benefit from my coaching!

What will our sessions be like?

Whether you choose 1:1 or group sessions,

they will be  in a down-to-earth, confidential, emotionally safe and culturally sensitive environment within which you can

explore and unpack

your feelings, challenges, and dreams.

I will guide you through releasing

your emotional clutter to brighten

your ability to see your path clearly.

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Ask Yourself...

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  • How many years have gone by without my life being happy or fulfilled?

  • How many more years am I willing to let pass me by without taking the steps towards the life I desire?

  • How has my fear and self-doubt stopped me from reaching for my dreams?

  • How have hesitancy and procrastination impacted my ability to cope and be happy TODAY?

  • What would my ideal life look like, if I didn't have anything holding me back and I knew I had everything I needed to be happy?

Let's begin your new shift to enoughness,

wholeness, and belongingness!

I invite you to learn more by scheduling a complimentary relaxed chat as your first step. 

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